At Reddford House teaching our students to give back and help those less fortunate is just as important as teaching them to strive for educational excellence. A great amount of focus is placed on identifying organisations, schools or communities who need assistance in one way or another.

Reddford House The Hills aims to raise students’ awareness of the importance of advocating for justice and kindness. Through our various community projects and drives throughout the year, the students are given the opportunity to explore ways in which they can play an active role in bringing about a positive change in their school and their broader community.




Barefoot Day

A group of Grade 9 and 10 Reddford House students and staff members joined the staff of Abba's Pride to distribute shoes that our school had collected on Barefoot Day, to those in need. We travelled to the rural area of Wollmannsthal where we lay out the shoes in a clearing under a tree. Soon the groups of children came down the dusty road from the local church where they had received a meal of porridge. We measured the children's feet and selected shoes for them to try on. Each child who arrived left with a 'new' pair of shoes and we left humbled by the experience.



Sprayathon for CANSA

Students donated money to spray their hair different colours or for the chance to spray their teachers’ hair! The money raised was donated the CANSA organisation.


SPCA - Logo

Wetnose Collection

The students donated dog food, cat food and blankets to the animal shelter, Wetnose. We believe in charitable organisations that serve all beings – with fur or without.



Stationery Drive

The school joined forces with a local radio station and collected stationery for under-resourced schools in the community.